Grace For Your Day September 26

On April 12, 1885, Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England entitled “The Man Christ Jesus.” It began this way:
“Consider how great Melchizedek was.” There is something majestic about every movement of that dimly-revealed figure. His one and only appearance is thus fitly described in the Book of Genesis,— “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.” We see but little of him, yet we see nothing little in him. He is here and gone, as far as the historic page is concerned, yet is he “a priest for ever,” and “it is witnessed that he liveth.” Everything about him is on a scale majestic and sublime.
“Consider how great this man was” in the combination of his offices. He was duly appointed both priest and king: king of righteousness and peace, and at the same time priest of the Most High God. It may be said of him that he sat as a priest upon his throne . . .
“Consider how great this man was” in the power of his benedictions. Abraham had already been greatly blessed, so much so that he is described as “he that received the promises.” [Yet Melchizedek blessed him even more] . . .
“Consider how great this man was” in his supremacy over all around him. He met Abraham when he was returning as a conqueror from the overthrow of the robber kings; and without a moment’s hesitation the man of God recognized the priest of God, and paid him tribute as a greater king . . .
“Consider how great this man was” as to the singularity of his person, “without father, without mother, without descent”: that is to say, we know nothing as to his birth, his origin, or his history . . .
“Consider how great this man was” in the speciality of his office. He had no predecessor in his priesthood, and he had no successor. He was not one who took a holy office and then laid it down; but as far as the historic page of Scripture is concerned we have no note of his quitting this mortal scene. . . His office was perpetual . .
I shall leave you to that consideration; for my business this morning is not with Melchizedek, but with a greater than he . . . There is another “after the order of Melchizedek,” the glorious Antitype in whom Melchizedek himself is absorbed [and His name is Jesus]. Who can equal this strange, mysterious priest, prophet, king, sent of the Most High God to bless the father of the faithful? He is altogether alone: he receives no commission from the hands of men, nor from God by men; and he does not transmit to a successor what he had not received from a predecessor. Melchizedek stands alone: one mighty crag, rising out of the plain; a lone Alp, whose brow is swathed in cloud sublime [but Jesus stands even higher].
Charles Spurgeon is correct because no one can stand above Jesus in majesty. He alone is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and our great High Priest which is what we are currently studying together in the Book of Hebrews. We are learning about how Jesus is a “a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” (6:20). In order to do so, we began studying Hebrews 7 last week but we were not able to finish so we will look at the remainder of the chapter on Sunday.
Please join us as we study this fascinating portion of Scripture. It is a good reminder that we have all that we need in Christ as believers. We do not need to look back to our works or efforts or the Law to save us because “Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant” (verse 22). I look forward to studying that with you in detail this weekend and discussing how we can draw comfort from it.
– Jeremy Cagle
“Consider how great Melchizedek was.” There is something majestic about every movement of that dimly-revealed figure. His one and only appearance is thus fitly described in the Book of Genesis,— “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.” We see but little of him, yet we see nothing little in him. He is here and gone, as far as the historic page is concerned, yet is he “a priest for ever,” and “it is witnessed that he liveth.” Everything about him is on a scale majestic and sublime.
“Consider how great this man was” in the combination of his offices. He was duly appointed both priest and king: king of righteousness and peace, and at the same time priest of the Most High God. It may be said of him that he sat as a priest upon his throne . . .
“Consider how great this man was” in the power of his benedictions. Abraham had already been greatly blessed, so much so that he is described as “he that received the promises.” [Yet Melchizedek blessed him even more] . . .
“Consider how great this man was” in his supremacy over all around him. He met Abraham when he was returning as a conqueror from the overthrow of the robber kings; and without a moment’s hesitation the man of God recognized the priest of God, and paid him tribute as a greater king . . .
“Consider how great this man was” as to the singularity of his person, “without father, without mother, without descent”: that is to say, we know nothing as to his birth, his origin, or his history . . .
“Consider how great this man was” in the speciality of his office. He had no predecessor in his priesthood, and he had no successor. He was not one who took a holy office and then laid it down; but as far as the historic page of Scripture is concerned we have no note of his quitting this mortal scene. . . His office was perpetual . .
I shall leave you to that consideration; for my business this morning is not with Melchizedek, but with a greater than he . . . There is another “after the order of Melchizedek,” the glorious Antitype in whom Melchizedek himself is absorbed [and His name is Jesus]. Who can equal this strange, mysterious priest, prophet, king, sent of the Most High God to bless the father of the faithful? He is altogether alone: he receives no commission from the hands of men, nor from God by men; and he does not transmit to a successor what he had not received from a predecessor. Melchizedek stands alone: one mighty crag, rising out of the plain; a lone Alp, whose brow is swathed in cloud sublime [but Jesus stands even higher].
Charles Spurgeon is correct because no one can stand above Jesus in majesty. He alone is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and our great High Priest which is what we are currently studying together in the Book of Hebrews. We are learning about how Jesus is a “a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” (6:20). In order to do so, we began studying Hebrews 7 last week but we were not able to finish so we will look at the remainder of the chapter on Sunday.
Please join us as we study this fascinating portion of Scripture. It is a good reminder that we have all that we need in Christ as believers. We do not need to look back to our works or efforts or the Law to save us because “Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant” (verse 22). I look forward to studying that with you in detail this weekend and discussing how we can draw comfort from it.
– Jeremy Cagle