A distinctive is defined as “a characteristic that distinguishes one organization from another.” It helps to clarify who you are and what you are all about. With more than 50 different churches in Chilliwack, we thought it would be helpful to provide you with some distinctives of our church. We will be adding to this list but, if you have any questions about anything you read, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you.” Just select any image below to learn more.
Expository Preaching
“Expository preaching” refers to preaching that explains the Bible in its own words. This distinctive is very important to us because we believe the Bible is the Word of God.
Biblical Counselling
"Biblical counselling” refers to counselling that follows the principles of the Bible. This distinctive is very important to us because we believe the Bible is the Word of God.
Eternal Security
Eternal security is the doctrine that believers have been saved by Christ and cannot lose their salvation. Nothing can alter our redemption in Christ.
Sovereignty of God
The Sovereignty of God is the doctrine which teaches that God controls everything and there is nothing that does not fall under His domain.
Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
Gender identity may be one of the most controversial subjects in our nation today. Because we believe the Bible to be the Word of God, it is important that we understand what the Bible says about it.
Six Day Creation
The Bible says that the earth was created in six days. However, were those six days meant to be interpreted figuratively or literally? Were they 24-hour periods of time or were they days with many years in between? We believe they were six literal days.
Free Offer of the Gospel
“The Free Offer of the Gospel” means that the Gospel can be offered freely to anyone at any time and they can be saved. We believe that because the Bible says that the Gospel is free in its cost, free in its availability, and free in its extent.
Believer's Baptism
Believer’s baptism is the act of immersing a new believer in water to symbolize their salvation. Since salvation is such an important subject to God, the Bible has a lot to say about it.
Church Discipline
Church discipline is the process of lovingly calling a sinner who professes faith in Christ to repentance. It is the act of compassionately restoring someone to a right relationship with the Lord.
A Blended View of Worship
Worship is the act of ascribing praise and honour to God. It is the act of giving Him glory. A blended view of worship does this by blending modern and ancient songs. It mixes music from the past with music from the present.
Role of the Family
The family has a high priority in the life of our church. While it is under attack in many circles today, we believe that it is the backbone of society and that it is near to the heart of God. Therefore, God has a lot to say about it.
The inerrancy of the Bible is the doctrine which teaches that the Bible has no errors in it. As the Word of God, the Bible is accurate and trustworthy in all that it says.
Depravity of Man
The depravity of man is the doctrine Which teaches that everyone is depraved or corrupted by the power of sin. We are not as sinful as we could be but every part of us has been touched by sin in some way.
Cessationism teaches that the sign gifts of the New Testament have ended. While many gifts of the holy spirit are still in operation today, some gifts such as prophecy and tongues are not. They served their purpose in the First Century but stopped soon afterwards.
Sanctification is the process of becoming holy and being made more into the image of Christ. While the world is becoming more evil every day, the church is not. It is being sanctified.
Hermeneutics is the science of interpreting the Bible correctly. Since we believe the Bible to be the Word of God, it is important to faithfully Represent what it says. In order to do that, we employ the following principles.
Christian Liberty
Christian liberty means that we are free to engage in an activity as long as it is not forbidden in the Bible or goes against a biblical principle. While a Christian is never free to sin, he is free to follow his conscience in areas that the Scripture is silent upon.

More Distinctives
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