Jory Nunn
Teaching Pastor
Jory graduated from The Master’s Seminary in May of 2016. Before coming to serve as teaching pastor with Grace Fellowship Chilliwack in 2024, he served in The Bahamas and Alaska. Jory’s passion for Christ’s Church is to see its people grow in the knowledge and application of the Scriptures in their lives, both corporately and privately. He most consistently teaches verse-by-verse, through entire books or letters of the Bible. Jory is the husband of one wife (Mary Anne) and has four children (Josiah, Anna Maria, Esther Mae, and Mirah).
Contact Jory at jory@gracefellowshipchilliwack.com
Contact Jory at jory@gracefellowshipchilliwack.com

Kevin Laser
Kevin lives in Chilliwack with his wife Krista, and their four children. He serves on the leadership team at Grace Fellowship and enjoys leading a Care Group. He graduated from Toccoa Falls College in Georgia with a degree in Christian Education and from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Education. He is a teacher who supports and teaches homeschool students. Kevin is passionate about sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Quentin Smith
Quentin is one of the elders at Grace Fellowship. He is originally from Zimbabwe where he was saved at age 17. He did his medical training in Cape Town, South Africa where he met and married his wife Tanya. They immigrated to Canada in 1991 and he has worked as a family doctor in Chilliwack since 1997. He and Tanya are ACBC Certified Biblical Counsellors and are passionate about Christ, His church, and seeing marriages thrive. They have two grown children, a daughter Josie, married to Joey, and son Lorenzo with whom they love to spend time.

Robert Guretzki
Robert has called Chilliwack home throughout his entire life. He is married to Colleen, and together, they have raised three wonderful children: Joshua, married to Tianna, Jacob and Jessica. Robert's career has revolved around the cabinet and mill-work industry. Robert has studied Theology and Biblical studies at Briercrest College and Seminary. He has a deep passion for teaching and sharing the principles of Christian living along with encouraging unity among believers through fellowship. In his free time, you can often find Robert tending to his vegetable garden, especially his melons! or composing music.

Richard Procee
Born and raised in Burlington Ontario, Richard came to Chilliwack in the 1990s and never looked back. Soon after, he met and married Tera. Now they have six kids and fourteen grandkids, with more on the way. He loves the people at Grace Fellowship Chilliwack and has been involved here since we began in 2015. When asked what his favorite Bible passage is, he answered with Psalm 139, but he also loves to read his favorite authors - Piper, Packer, and Sproul. In fact, when he’s not busy running around, you can often find him enjoying a book at home. Anyone who has met Richard knows that kind of peace and quiet is rare.

David Scott
David and his wife, Evelyn, along with their four children have been serving as a part of Grace Fellowship since 2017. Shortly after they started attending Grace, they moved to Chilliwack for the Church. With a desire to serve in any way they can, both David and Evelyn became involved in the Music Team and hosting many Church related functions, such as Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies and Care and Discipleship Groups. In 2021, David started leading the music ministry, bringing a passion for pointing people to Christ and His Word through song. Outside of Church, he works as an Electrician, and enjoys listening to sermons and the Bible during his commute.