Posts with the tag “chilliwack-church”

Grace For Your Day August 19
August 19th, 2024
When you read the New Testament, one thing you find is that there are many images that the Bible uses to describe the Christian life. For example, it compares it to warfare (Ephesians 6:11; 2 Timothy ...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day June 24
June 24th, 2024
So far, in our series on the Gospel of Mark, we have looked at several separate stories of the life of Christ such as:- The calling of the first disciples (Mark 1:14-20)- The healing of the demon poss...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day June 17
June 17th, 2024
Demon possession was a constant issue in Jesus’ ministry. He dealt with it repeatedly and one of the greatest examples of this is found in Mark 5:1-20 where it says:They came to the other side of the ...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day June 3
June 3rd, 2024
So far, in our studies in the Gospel of Mark, we have seen several miracles in the life of Christ. A short list would include:- The healing of a demon possessed man (Mark 1:21-28)- The healing of Simo...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day November 20
November 20th, 2023
One of the oldest Christian documents is known as The Apostle’s Creed. It received that title because it was believed to have been composed by the 12 apostles some time in the First Century and faithf...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day August 28
August 28th, 2023
In last week’s sermon, we learned that there are three primary views on the separation of church and state that are as follows:1). Dominionism – the church and the state are one.2). Strict Separationi...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day July 24
July 24th, 2023
In his commentary on the Book of Hebrews, A. W. Pink writes:Hebrews 13:13 has ever been a great favorite with those who have started “Come out” movements. It has been used, or rather misused, again an...  Read More
by Grace Media
June 5, 2023
June 5th, 2023
In his Commentary on the Book of Hebrews, William Barclay writes:Hebrews 12:18-29 gives us a contrast between the old covenant and the new [in the image of two mountains]. Down to verse 21, it has ech...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day May 29
May 29th, 2023
Over the past several weeks at Grace Fellowship Church, we have been studying the subject of the Christian race in Hebrews 12. In doing so, we have learned that the Lord wants us to “run… the race tha...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day May 1
May 1st, 2023
We have been in the Hall of Faith since January 22 of this year and, as we have studied it, we have discussed the lives of 12 different people. Their names are as follows:AbelEnochNoahAbrahamSarahIsaa...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day April 10
April 10th, 2023
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Gideon’s battle over the Midianites in the Book of Judges. If you have never it before, it is found in Judges 7:1-9, 15-23 where it says:Then Je...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day April 3
April 3rd, 2023
How firm is your salvation? Is there anything that can mess it up?If you lived for 100 years, do you think it would still survive? If you lasted for a millennium, do you think the Lord could still sus...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day March 13
March 13th, 2023
The last words of a dying man are usually very powerful because they tell you what was on his mind as he left this world. For example, Sam Houston, the military leader who led the United States in the...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day January 30
January 30th, 2023
Noah is one of the most interesting characters in the Bible. When you consider a summary of his life, it is very informative because the Scripture tells us that:Noah was a descendant of Adam and Eve (...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day October 3
October 3rd, 2022
In our studies in the Book of Hebrews, we have been talking about how Jesus is our priest. In fact, the word “priest” appears 36 times in the letter and is talked about in seven different places (chap...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day September 1
September 1st, 2022
In John 5 Jesus meets an invalid in Jerusalem and heals the man and commands him to pick up his mat and walk.  The Jews heard about this and noticed that this happened on the Sabbath and they persecut...  Read More
by Grace Media
Grace For Your Day August 1
August 1st, 2022
The Puritans had an unusual way of writing books because they would take one verse from the Bible and write 300 pages on it. They would take one small portion of Scripture and then publish an entire b...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day July 25
July 25th, 2022
Why is preaching so important? Why is it so necessary to hear the Word of God proclaimed every week?While the numbers vary, a recent study indicates that the average Christian adult in the United Stat...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day July 18
July 18th, 2022
Do you have peace today? If you were to choose one word to describe your life, would it be the word “rest?”  Some time ago, a famous historian made the statement that, in the entire recorded history o...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day July 11
July 11th, 2022
According to one survey, the price for housing in Canada set a record in 2021 with the average price topping out at $713,000 in December. It was 26 percent higher than the previous year and considered...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day November 2
November 2nd, 2020
Type your new text here. The term "submission" is considered by some to be a foul word today. It is considered to be offensive. In fact, one reason there is so much violence and revolution in the worl...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day October 5
October 5th, 2020
In 2008, a news release was sent out in Great Britain entitled, "World’s Oldest Living Animal Discovered After He is Pictured in 1900 Photograph." The article showed a picture taken on the island of S...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day September 21
September 21st, 2020
In December of 2016, the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Cornwell Theological Seminary published a statement that "between 2005 and 2015 there were 900,000 Christian martyrs worl...  Read More
by Grace Office
Fall Ministries
September 18th, 2020
Our Fall ministries including Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Study, and Care & Discipleship Groups have all begun to meet again. Please contact us at to get connected with a study or care group! Vis...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day September 14
September 14th, 2020
Jesus often taught with parables and often it was about money, possessions, or treasure.  As a master teacher he told parables using daily experiences that were common to everyone.   He artfully commu...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day September 7
September 7th, 2020
In 1995, Neurologist Oliver Sacks told the story of a man named Virgil who was blind since birth but he recovered his vision after a surgery. Unfortunately, Virgil’s first experiences with sight were ...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day August 31
August 31st, 2020
In 2016, Josh McDowell Ministry along with the Barna Group released a survey in which they found that half of all young people in North America regularly look at pornography. They also found that half...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day July 27
July 27th, 2020
It is a fact of life that we all have different clothes to wear. We all have different garments. For example, we have work clothes and play clothes. We have dress clothes and casual clothes. We have c...  Read More
by Grace Office
Sunday Services Resuming
July 9th, 2020
Our Sunday services are beginning again! Due to the current restrictions, there are a limited number of spots each week, but we hope to see as many of you as possible!To get the RSVP details, please c...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day June 22
June 22nd, 2020
James 1:19-20: "This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God."When you join u...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day June 8
June 8th, 2020
An old church building was once in need of repair so the pastor took up an offering. A stingy man in the congregation said that he would give a few dollars until a piece of plaster fell from the ceili...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day June 1
June 1st, 2020
Scholars have estimated that there are currently somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000 Christian denominations in the world today. The number has gone up from what it was in the year 1900 when it was on...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day May 18
May 18th, 2020
A doxology can be defined as "a declaration of praise to God." It is a short statement of adoration to guide us in our worship. Such statements are found all throughout the Bible. For example, Romans ...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day May 4
May 4th, 2020
The great missionary Hudson Taylor was once asked to speak at a large Christian gathering in Australia. As he was being introduced, the host referred to him as "our illustrious guest." In response, Ta...  Read More
by Grace Office
Grace For Your Day April 27
April 27th, 2020
An Apostle is defined as "someone who was sent out by Jesus to lay the foundation of the church." In his Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem says that there were four tasks that were attributed to them....  Read More
by Grace Office