Grace For Your Day July 27

Grace For Your Day
It is a fact of life that we all have different clothes to wear. We all have different garments. For example, we have work clothes and play clothes. We have dress clothes and casual clothes. We have clothes that we wear to a funeral and clothes that we wear to a wedding. In a similar way, Paul says Christians have different spiritual clothes to wear as well. We have different garments that he describes this way in Ephesians 4:20-24:
Paul says that, when you are saved, God makes you brand new. He saves you and gives you a new self. Your former way of life dies and you become something different. However, something of the old nature still remains. Something of the old man sticks with you and it must be laid aside like a garment. You must take it off like an old pair of clothes and put on the new self.
Every biblical counsellor knows the "put off / put on principle" which states that it is not just enough to put off a sin, you must put on righteousness as well. It is not enough to turn away from an evil behavior, you must turn to something better. You cannot merely repent of lust or pride but you must replace them with pure and humble thoughts which is what this passage is talking about.
Are you struggling with sin this morning? Would you like to see victory? To ask it another way: Have you struggled with the same sin for a long time? Has it been an ongoing battle for you? Would you like to see victory over that? Would you like to defeat it?
Paul says that you can if you learn how to change your clothes. He says that you can learn how to defeat it because God has made you a new man. You just need to learn how to live like it now. You just need to put off / put on. Come join us as we talk about how to do that this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church. The service begins at 9:30. See you there!
- Jeremy Cagle
But you did not learn Christ in this way, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
Every biblical counsellor knows the "put off / put on principle" which states that it is not just enough to put off a sin, you must put on righteousness as well. It is not enough to turn away from an evil behavior, you must turn to something better. You cannot merely repent of lust or pride but you must replace them with pure and humble thoughts which is what this passage is talking about.
Are you struggling with sin this morning? Would you like to see victory? To ask it another way: Have you struggled with the same sin for a long time? Has it been an ongoing battle for you? Would you like to see victory over that? Would you like to defeat it?
Paul says that you can if you learn how to change your clothes. He says that you can learn how to defeat it because God has made you a new man. You just need to learn how to live like it now. You just need to put off / put on. Come join us as we talk about how to do that this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church. The service begins at 9:30. See you there!
- Jeremy Cagle