Grace For Your Day June 8

Grace For Your Day
An old church building was once in need of repair so the pastor took up an offering. A stingy man in the congregation said that he would give a few dollars until a piece of plaster fell from the ceiling and hit his head. Then he said: "Okay, Lord! I will give you a hundred dollars!" At which point, another member of the congregation said: "Lord, please hit him again!"
We all understand that we need to give more to the Lord because He has given so much to us. We need to be generous with Him because He has been generous to us and the Apostle Paul talks about that in the Book of Ephesians. He mentions the Lord’s generosity this way in 4:7-11:
(Now this expression, "He ascended," what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.) And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers.
While there are some mysterious things in this passage, the point is simple: each one of us has received a gift from Jesus. We have all been blessed by His generosity and one way that we see this is through the leaders of the church. God has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to guide us through the Christian life. Jesus gave them to the church to help us grow in our walk with the Lord which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
Do you look at your Christian leaders this way? Do you see them as a gift from God? Paul says that you need to because they came from Jesus. You need to see them as a gift because He gave them to the church to bless you. Do you see the rich heritage that you have as a Christian? Are you grateful for the apostles and prophets from the past who have taught you so much? Are you grateful for men like Andrew and James and John? Are you grateful for men like Matthew and Peter and Paul? We stand on the shoulders of giants and it is all because of God’s incredible generosity which is what we are going to study this Sunday morning in the sermon hour.
In light of the ongoing restrictions concerning the Coronavirus, we will not all be able to meet together. However, for the first 50 people who would like to attend, we will be having a service this Saturday night at 6:00. Please RSVP at the church office if you plan on coming so we do not exceed that number. We will let you know about the location as soon as we have it confirmed. If you are not able to make it, the sermon will be recorded and posted on our You Tube Channel on Sunday morning at 9:00. Please tune in as this passage will be a blessing. We pray that the Lord will use it to remind us all of all that He has given us in Christ.
- Jeremy Cagle
We all understand that we need to give more to the Lord because He has given so much to us. We need to be generous with Him because He has been generous to us and the Apostle Paul talks about that in the Book of Ephesians. He mentions the Lord’s generosity this way in 4:7-11:
But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it says,
(Now this expression, "He ascended," what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.) And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers.
While there are some mysterious things in this passage, the point is simple: each one of us has received a gift from Jesus. We have all been blessed by His generosity and one way that we see this is through the leaders of the church. God has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to guide us through the Christian life. Jesus gave them to the church to help us grow in our walk with the Lord which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
Do you look at your Christian leaders this way? Do you see them as a gift from God? Paul says that you need to because they came from Jesus. You need to see them as a gift because He gave them to the church to bless you. Do you see the rich heritage that you have as a Christian? Are you grateful for the apostles and prophets from the past who have taught you so much? Are you grateful for men like Andrew and James and John? Are you grateful for men like Matthew and Peter and Paul? We stand on the shoulders of giants and it is all because of God’s incredible generosity which is what we are going to study this Sunday morning in the sermon hour.
In light of the ongoing restrictions concerning the Coronavirus, we will not all be able to meet together. However, for the first 50 people who would like to attend, we will be having a service this Saturday night at 6:00. Please RSVP at the church office if you plan on coming so we do not exceed that number. We will let you know about the location as soon as we have it confirmed. If you are not able to make it, the sermon will be recorded and posted on our You Tube Channel on Sunday morning at 9:00. Please tune in as this passage will be a blessing. We pray that the Lord will use it to remind us all of all that He has given us in Christ.
- Jeremy Cagle