Grace For Your Day July 24

In his commentary on the Book of Hebrews, A. W. Pink writes:
Hebrews 13:13 has ever been a great favorite with those who have started “Come out” movements. It has been used, or rather misused, again and again by ambitious Diotrephes, who desired to head some new part or cause. It has been made a sop for the conscience by many a little group of discontented and disgruntled souls, who because of some grievance (fancied or real) against their religious leaders, church, or denomination, forsook them, and set up an independent banner of their own. It is a flag which has been called into the service of all separatists, who urged all whose confidence they could gain to turn away from – not the secular world, but – their fellow-Christians, on the ground of trifling differences. That which these men urged their dupes to forsake was denounced as the God-abandoned and apostate “Camp”…
However, this phrase “let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach” does not mean that. The context says that, herein, we behold once more the outstanding excellency of Christianity above Judaism – something which we must ever be on the lookout for if we are not to miss the principal design of the Spirit in this epistle. These verses abound in details which exhibit the privileges of the new covenant as far surpassing those of the old.
First, we have “a heart that is strengthened by grace” (v. 9) which the natural Israel possessed not.
Second, we have “an altar” furnishing the highest and holiest sacrifice of all (v. 10), which they had no right or title to partake of.
Third, we have an effectual and abiding sanctification of our souls before God (v. 12) whereas they had a sanctification which was but external.
Fourth, Jesus has sanctified the people “through His own blood” (v. 12), which was something that the high priests of Judaism could never do.
This is why Jesus tells us to go to Him “outside the camp.” The idea is that, since Christ has left us an example, let us follow His steps. Since we partake of the food of our altar, let us use the strength therefrom in a way pleasing and glorifying to Christ. And also, if the Son of God was willing to suffer the ignominy of being cast out of Jerusalem in order to bear our doom, surely it would ill-become the sons of God if they were unwilling to go forth and bear His reproach! …
The reason this passage is so important is because it is one of the last verses in the Book of Hebrews. After writing about the subject of Jesus’ superiority to the Old Covenant for 12 chapters, the writer now comes to the conclusion and that is that you need to follow Jesus no matter the cost. You need to love Him and believe Him and worship Him even when those around you hate you and drive you outside the camp.
Are you willing to do that today? You should be. Will you suffer His reproach? You need to. Will you take up your cross and follow Him? You have no other choice because that is what He did for you. He went outside the camp for you so you should be ready to go outside the camp for Him. Luke 9:23-26 says,
If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it … For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
If you would like to learn more about that, our service begins on Sunday morning at 9:30 at 46024 Riverside Drive in Chilliwack. I look forward to seeing you there!
– Jeremy Cagle
Hebrews 13:13 has ever been a great favorite with those who have started “Come out” movements. It has been used, or rather misused, again and again by ambitious Diotrephes, who desired to head some new part or cause. It has been made a sop for the conscience by many a little group of discontented and disgruntled souls, who because of some grievance (fancied or real) against their religious leaders, church, or denomination, forsook them, and set up an independent banner of their own. It is a flag which has been called into the service of all separatists, who urged all whose confidence they could gain to turn away from – not the secular world, but – their fellow-Christians, on the ground of trifling differences. That which these men urged their dupes to forsake was denounced as the God-abandoned and apostate “Camp”…
However, this phrase “let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach” does not mean that. The context says that, herein, we behold once more the outstanding excellency of Christianity above Judaism – something which we must ever be on the lookout for if we are not to miss the principal design of the Spirit in this epistle. These verses abound in details which exhibit the privileges of the new covenant as far surpassing those of the old.
First, we have “a heart that is strengthened by grace” (v. 9) which the natural Israel possessed not.
Second, we have “an altar” furnishing the highest and holiest sacrifice of all (v. 10), which they had no right or title to partake of.
Third, we have an effectual and abiding sanctification of our souls before God (v. 12) whereas they had a sanctification which was but external.
Fourth, Jesus has sanctified the people “through His own blood” (v. 12), which was something that the high priests of Judaism could never do.
This is why Jesus tells us to go to Him “outside the camp.” The idea is that, since Christ has left us an example, let us follow His steps. Since we partake of the food of our altar, let us use the strength therefrom in a way pleasing and glorifying to Christ. And also, if the Son of God was willing to suffer the ignominy of being cast out of Jerusalem in order to bear our doom, surely it would ill-become the sons of God if they were unwilling to go forth and bear His reproach! …
The reason this passage is so important is because it is one of the last verses in the Book of Hebrews. After writing about the subject of Jesus’ superiority to the Old Covenant for 12 chapters, the writer now comes to the conclusion and that is that you need to follow Jesus no matter the cost. You need to love Him and believe Him and worship Him even when those around you hate you and drive you outside the camp.
Are you willing to do that today? You should be. Will you suffer His reproach? You need to. Will you take up your cross and follow Him? You have no other choice because that is what He did for you. He went outside the camp for you so you should be ready to go outside the camp for Him. Luke 9:23-26 says,
If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it … For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
If you would like to learn more about that, our service begins on Sunday morning at 9:30 at 46024 Riverside Drive in Chilliwack. I look forward to seeing you there!
– Jeremy Cagle
Posted in Grace For Your Day
Posted in Bible Church, Chilliwack Church, Grace Online, Grace For Your Day, Outside the Camp, Hebrews
Posted in Bible Church, Chilliwack Church, Grace Online, Grace For Your Day, Outside the Camp, Hebrews