Grace For Your Day May 1

We have been in the Hall of Faith since January 22 of this year and, as we have studied it, we have discussed the lives of 12 different people. Their names are as follows:
The reason we have taken so much time to survey this list of saints is in order to help our church understand the intention of the author as he wrote Hebrews 11 and that is to inform us that God is raising up a people for His glory. He is saving a remnant through faith in order to take them out of this evil world and bring them into heaven and He started it way back in the Old Testament.
Even though we live on this side of the cross, the principle of our redemption is no different from these former saints which means that we can identify with someone like Abel who sinned and brought a sacrifice to God. He disobeyed and presented an offering to Him just like we do. The only difference is that we come to God now through the sacrifice of Jesus who was “pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5).
We also can relate to a man like Abraham who heard the voice of God and followed Him because we have all had to do that as well. At the moment of our conversion, the Lord said “Follow Me” and we did it. He said “Go” and we went because we wanted to obey His voice. In fact, First Corinthians 10:6 says, “Now these things happened as examples of us to follow.” In other words, these stories from the Old Testament were given so that we may read them and follow them. They were provided so that we might study them and imitate their lives.
With that in mind, this Sunday, we are going to study the life of one of the last men in the Hall of Faith and that is David, the king of Israel. On two separate occasions, the Bible tells us that he was “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). Unlike Saul (the king who came before him) and Solomon (the king who came after him), David made God the number one priority in his life which is what makes his life such a helpful thing to read about.
David was a gifted man and yet the Lord never commended him for his gifts. He was a talented individual who excelled in the areas of music, politics, and warfare and yet the Lord never extolled him for his talents. The Lord extolled him for the way that David loved God and it is the same way for us today because the Lord does not care:
All God cares about is how much you love Him. He just wants to know that you worship Him with all your heart like David did. To quote from David himself, he says in Psalm 86:12 that:
I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart,
And will glorify Your name forever.
Please join us as we talk about that this Sunday. Our service begins at 9:30.
– Jeremy Cagle
- Abel
- Enoch
- Noah
- Abraham
- Sarah
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Joseph
- Moses
- Rahab
- Gideon
- Samson
The reason we have taken so much time to survey this list of saints is in order to help our church understand the intention of the author as he wrote Hebrews 11 and that is to inform us that God is raising up a people for His glory. He is saving a remnant through faith in order to take them out of this evil world and bring them into heaven and He started it way back in the Old Testament.
Even though we live on this side of the cross, the principle of our redemption is no different from these former saints which means that we can identify with someone like Abel who sinned and brought a sacrifice to God. He disobeyed and presented an offering to Him just like we do. The only difference is that we come to God now through the sacrifice of Jesus who was “pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5).
We also can relate to a man like Abraham who heard the voice of God and followed Him because we have all had to do that as well. At the moment of our conversion, the Lord said “Follow Me” and we did it. He said “Go” and we went because we wanted to obey His voice. In fact, First Corinthians 10:6 says, “Now these things happened as examples of us to follow.” In other words, these stories from the Old Testament were given so that we may read them and follow them. They were provided so that we might study them and imitate their lives.
With that in mind, this Sunday, we are going to study the life of one of the last men in the Hall of Faith and that is David, the king of Israel. On two separate occasions, the Bible tells us that he was “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). Unlike Saul (the king who came before him) and Solomon (the king who came after him), David made God the number one priority in his life which is what makes his life such a helpful thing to read about.
David was a gifted man and yet the Lord never commended him for his gifts. He was a talented individual who excelled in the areas of music, politics, and warfare and yet the Lord never extolled him for his talents. The Lord extolled him for the way that David loved God and it is the same way for us today because the Lord does not care:
- How much money you have
- How big your house is
- How expensive your car is
- How great your family is
- How smart you are
- How attractive you are
- How many people like you
- Whether you are married or single
- Whether you are black or white
- Whether you come from this country or that one
All God cares about is how much you love Him. He just wants to know that you worship Him with all your heart like David did. To quote from David himself, he says in Psalm 86:12 that:
I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart,
And will glorify Your name forever.
Please join us as we talk about that this Sunday. Our service begins at 9:30.
– Jeremy Cagle
Posted in Grace For Your Day
Posted in Grace For Your Day, Grace Church, Grace Bible Church, Chilliwack Church, David
Posted in Grace For Your Day, Grace Church, Grace Bible Church, Chilliwack Church, David