Grace For Your Day April 20

According to recent studies, the current number of prisoners in Canada is 38,786 which comes to a very small portion of the population. However, the cost to house them comes to over $5 billion per year or $85,000 per prisoner. In other words, the government does its very best to treat them humanely. It does its very best to make sure that they are cared for. Most of the inmates are incarcerated for assault and robbery charges but some are charged with other crimes.
All of which leads us to what Paul says in Galatians 3:1 because here he refers to himself as a "prisoner of Christ Jesus." He tells us that he was thrown in jail for preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. The passage says that he was incarcerated for preaching the message of salvation to people like you and me. Not only that but Paul says he was a "prisoner of Christ Jesus" because that is who He was suffering for. He was doing it for the Lord.
While very few of us are suffering in prison today, that does not mean that we are not suffering in other ways. While very few of us can say that I am a prisoner of the Lord, we can say that I am a husband or a wife for the Lord. We can say that I am a manager or an employee for Him. We can say that we are suffering the discomforts of the Coronavirus all for His sake and that is what we are going to talk about this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church.
Are you doing everything for the Lord today? Can you say that your marriage and your job and your home life are being lived for His sake and no other? If you feel like you cannot do that, remember that Paul did it in prison. If you think that is hard for you, remember that he glorified the Lord in jail to show you that you can do it where you are. Do you ever feel like you are suffering unjustly? Does it ever feel like life is being unfair to you? If it does, then remember that Paul experienced that too and the Lord sustained Him through it. He experienced it in the worst place imaginable to show you that you can do it in whatever situation you are in today.
Please join us this week as we talk about that. Join us as we learn how to glorify the Lord in our suffering.
Since we are not able to meet in person on account of the Coronavirus, we will be recording a sermon on Saturday night and posting it on our You Tube Channel Sunday morning by 9:30. Please tune in as we continue our studies in the Book of Ephesians. If you want to read the passage ahead of time, we will be looking at Ephesians 3:1-6.
- Jeremy Cagle
All of which leads us to what Paul says in Galatians 3:1 because here he refers to himself as a "prisoner of Christ Jesus." He tells us that he was thrown in jail for preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. The passage says that he was incarcerated for preaching the message of salvation to people like you and me. Not only that but Paul says he was a "prisoner of Christ Jesus" because that is who He was suffering for. He was doing it for the Lord.
While very few of us are suffering in prison today, that does not mean that we are not suffering in other ways. While very few of us can say that I am a prisoner of the Lord, we can say that I am a husband or a wife for the Lord. We can say that I am a manager or an employee for Him. We can say that we are suffering the discomforts of the Coronavirus all for His sake and that is what we are going to talk about this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church.
Are you doing everything for the Lord today? Can you say that your marriage and your job and your home life are being lived for His sake and no other? If you feel like you cannot do that, remember that Paul did it in prison. If you think that is hard for you, remember that he glorified the Lord in jail to show you that you can do it where you are. Do you ever feel like you are suffering unjustly? Does it ever feel like life is being unfair to you? If it does, then remember that Paul experienced that too and the Lord sustained Him through it. He experienced it in the worst place imaginable to show you that you can do it in whatever situation you are in today.
Please join us this week as we talk about that. Join us as we learn how to glorify the Lord in our suffering.
Since we are not able to meet in person on account of the Coronavirus, we will be recording a sermon on Saturday night and posting it on our You Tube Channel Sunday morning by 9:30. Please tune in as we continue our studies in the Book of Ephesians. If you want to read the passage ahead of time, we will be looking at Ephesians 3:1-6.
- Jeremy Cagle