Grace For Your Day May 25

Grace For Your Day
In the cartoon, Peanuts, Charlie Browns' sister, Sally, was once struggling to find her memory verse for Sunday School. She could not remember which part of the Bible it was in until she finally blurted out: "Maybe it is from the Book of Reevaluation." While that book does not exist in the Bible, Sally was onto something because the Bible does ask us to reevaluate ourselves. She had the right idea because it does command us to make sure that we are saved which is what Ephesians 4:1-3 says. Here Paul writes:
The Greek word for "worthy" here is axios and it means "suitable" or "fitting." In some instances, it referred to an object that balanced the scales. In other words, Paul is telling us to live a balanced life. He is telling us to make sure that our behaviour matches our doctrine. We need to be humble, gentle, and patient because it reflects all the wonderful things that we have learned so far in Ephesians 1-3.
It is one thing to call yourself a Christian but it is another thing to live like one. It is one thing to say that you are saved but it is another thing to prove it with your life and that is what Paul is asking us to do here. He wants us to reevaluate ourselves. He wants us to prove that we are actually saved which is what we will be talking about this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church.
Due to the ongoing restrictions concerning the Coronavirus, we will not be able to meet together as an entire congregation. However, there will be a service at the Roseboom's home at 6:00 p.m. this Saturday night for the first 50 people who sign up. The government is now saying that it is safe to meet in in groups of 50 people so please RSVP with the church office if you would like to come as that will allow us to make sure that we do not exceed that number. The sermon will be recorded then and posted online at our You Tube Channel on Sunday morning. If you cannot join us, please listen to it as we can all learn a lot from this passage. We can all be encouraged by reading from the Book of Reevaluation.
- Jeremy Cagle
Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
The Greek word for "worthy" here is axios and it means "suitable" or "fitting." In some instances, it referred to an object that balanced the scales. In other words, Paul is telling us to live a balanced life. He is telling us to make sure that our behaviour matches our doctrine. We need to be humble, gentle, and patient because it reflects all the wonderful things that we have learned so far in Ephesians 1-3.
It is one thing to call yourself a Christian but it is another thing to live like one. It is one thing to say that you are saved but it is another thing to prove it with your life and that is what Paul is asking us to do here. He wants us to reevaluate ourselves. He wants us to prove that we are actually saved which is what we will be talking about this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church.
Due to the ongoing restrictions concerning the Coronavirus, we will not be able to meet together as an entire congregation. However, there will be a service at the Roseboom's home at 6:00 p.m. this Saturday night for the first 50 people who sign up. The government is now saying that it is safe to meet in in groups of 50 people so please RSVP with the church office if you would like to come as that will allow us to make sure that we do not exceed that number. The sermon will be recorded then and posted online at our You Tube Channel on Sunday morning. If you cannot join us, please listen to it as we can all learn a lot from this passage. We can all be encouraged by reading from the Book of Reevaluation.
- Jeremy Cagle