Grace For Your Day September 28

Grace For Your Day
There is nothing more common today than to see people wasting time. They waste it on anything. They waste it on sports. They waste it on jobs. They waste it on possessions and I-Phones and Facebook. Yet the Bible says that a wise man acts differently. He does not waste his time. He makes the most of it as Ephesians 5:15-16 says:
This phrase "making the most of your time" means to redeem it or buy it back. The idea is that you only have so much time. You only have so many years to live so you need to make them count for eternity. You need to spend them all for God because that is what a wise man does. He understands that "the days are evil" or against him so he uses them carefully.
The context for this passage is important. In Ephesians 5, Paul tells us to turn away from lust (verses 3-5), do not be deceived (verse 6), walk in the light (verses 7-10), and expose the darkness (verses 11-13) which means that we have to live intentionally. We have to live with purpose. We cannot waste our time because it is far too valuable.
As James Montgomery Boice writes:
Which leads me to ask: Are you doing that today? Are you spending your time wisely? Are you wasting it on sports and jobs and possessions? Are you giving it all to your I-Phone and Facebook? Or are you redeeming it? Are you buying it back for eternity?
I ask you that because that is what we will be talking about this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church. We will be talking about making the most of our time. The service begins at 9:30. Please sign up to attend through our church office and come ready to study this amazing passage. Come ready to learn how to spend your time wisely.
- Jeremy Cagle
Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
This phrase "making the most of your time" means to redeem it or buy it back. The idea is that you only have so much time. You only have so many years to live so you need to make them count for eternity. You need to spend them all for God because that is what a wise man does. He understands that "the days are evil" or against him so he uses them carefully.
The context for this passage is important. In Ephesians 5, Paul tells us to turn away from lust (verses 3-5), do not be deceived (verse 6), walk in the light (verses 7-10), and expose the darkness (verses 11-13) which means that we have to live intentionally. We have to live with purpose. We cannot waste our time because it is far too valuable.
As James Montgomery Boice writes:
If you and I are going to redeem time, as wise men and women, we had better do it now, because there may be no opportunities tomorrow. If we are to understand the will of God now, now is the moment that counts . . . Be wise, as Jonathan Edwards was when he wrote in his diary at age twenty: "Resolved, never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it in the most profitable way I possibly can."
Which leads me to ask: Are you doing that today? Are you spending your time wisely? Are you wasting it on sports and jobs and possessions? Are you giving it all to your I-Phone and Facebook? Or are you redeeming it? Are you buying it back for eternity?
I ask you that because that is what we will be talking about this Sunday morning at Grace Fellowship Church. We will be talking about making the most of our time. The service begins at 9:30. Please sign up to attend through our church office and come ready to study this amazing passage. Come ready to learn how to spend your time wisely.
- Jeremy Cagle