40 Things to Remember About the Armour of God

To the GFC Family,
Every part of God’s Word is precious to us. Every part is beloved and indispensable which is why the Psalmist says, in Psalm 119:103,
"How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! "
The Bible is always relevant to us. It always ministers to and comforts us in our time of need. We see this in Ephesians 6. We discover this truth in Paul’s famous passage on the Armour of God as it instructs us how to fight the Devil. It tells us how to defeat him and resist his schemes which is a very common problem in the Christian life. This is such a common issue because everyone wrestles with temptation and struggles with sin.
I have created a list of “40 Things to Remember about the Armour of God” because you can defeat the Devil. You can have victory over him if you take advantage of the weapons that God has given you for the battle.
It is my prayer that the following points will help you to do just that.
Every part of God’s Word is precious to us. Every part is beloved and indispensable which is why the Psalmist says, in Psalm 119:103,
"How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! "
The Bible is always relevant to us. It always ministers to and comforts us in our time of need. We see this in Ephesians 6. We discover this truth in Paul’s famous passage on the Armour of God as it instructs us how to fight the Devil. It tells us how to defeat him and resist his schemes which is a very common problem in the Christian life. This is such a common issue because everyone wrestles with temptation and struggles with sin.
I have created a list of “40 Things to Remember about the Armour of God” because you can defeat the Devil. You can have victory over him if you take advantage of the weapons that God has given you for the battle.
It is my prayer that the following points will help you to do just that.
40 Things to Remember About the Armour of God
- Remember that the Christian life is hard.
- Remember that the Christian life is messy.
- Remember that the Christian life is a battle.
- However, remember that God has given you all that you need to fight the battle and win. His grace is sufficient for you for His power is perfected in your weakness.
- Remember that others have fought the battle before you.
- Remember that others have struggled with it before you.
- Remember that others have won. God has given them victory and He will do the same thing for you. You can learn from their example.
- Remember that the Devil is real.
- Remember that the Devil is strong.
- Remember that the Devil is terrifying.
- Remember that the Demons are real.
- Remember that the Demons are strong.
- Remember that the Demons are terrifying.
- Remember that Jesus is stronger than both.
- Remember that Jesus is greater than both.
- Remember that Jesus has already defeated both at the cross. His victory is certain because He cried “It is finished” as He died.
- Remember that no weapon formed against you shall conquer.
- Remember that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
- Remember that, if the Lord is with me, who can be against me?
- Remember that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength.
- Remember that the Lord is my rock.
- Remember that the Lord is my fortress.
- Remember that the Lord is my warrior.
- Remember that you are a soldier of Christ.
- Remember that you are a slave of Christ.
- Remember that you are part of the Lord’s army and it is your job to fight. It is your duty to do spiritual warfare against the enemy.
- Remember that you have a complete set of armour to help you in that.
- Remember that you have a complete set of tools.
- Remember that you have a complete set of weapons so that you lack nothing. God has provided all that you need.
- Remember that the belt of truth surrounds you.
- Remember that the breastplate of righteousness is before you.
- Remember that the shield of faith is as well. It is standing right in front of you and it will block all of the flaming arrows of the evil one.
- Remember that the sandals of peace are under you.
- Remember that the helmet of salvation rests nearby.
- Remember that the sword of the Spirit does as well. It is the greatest weapon that you have in the battle so you need to use it regularly. You need to read your Bible.
- Remember that a day will come when this battle will be over.
- Remember that a day will come when you will be glad that you fought it.
- Remember that a day will when the Lord will give you a crown and reward you for all your faithful service to Him.
- Remember that, on that day, He will say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
- Remember that, afterward, you will never have to fight sin again.
In Christ,
Jeremy Cagle
Jeremy Cagle