Grace for Your Day August 31

John 3:16 is quite possibly the most well-known verse in the Bible. It’s part of an interaction that Jesus has with Nicodemus, one of the rulers of the Jews. With an economy of words, Jesus gets to the point. In what is one verse in our Bibles, He covered an incredible amount of information: it’s the gospel in a verse! God’s eternal plan in one sentence.

Yet, for many of us we have “grown beyond it”: we consider it subconsciously to be elementary … at the very least we may have glossed over it because we know it so well. But if we do that, it’s to our detriment.

Come this Sunday and camp out with me in that passage, John 3:14-21, and explore its depth once again. If you’ve been talking to somebody about salvation, consider bringing them to hear the gospel according to Jesus.  -- Quentin Smith



