Grace for Your Day November 1

According to the latest estimates, there are currently five billion people on the planet today who use the Internet. They add half a million comments to Facebook, 400 hours of video to You Tube, and 16 million texts per minute which means that there is no way to keep up with all of it. While the information may seem helpful, it has had the opposite effect on our society because it makes people feel more confused than ever.
However, it might encourage you to know that Solomon felt the same way in the Book of Ecclesiastes. He faced the same dilemma because, after talking about the vanity of life in the first half of the book, he begins to give us a solution to it in chapter 8 and the solution is that you cannot know everything. Some things are too deep for us to understand. In his own words, he says in verse 1:
The answer is “no one.” Nobody fully understands the interpretation of every question so we should not worry about it. We can leave some things unanswered. Solomon is using a poetic device here called hyperbole which is the act of exaggerating something for effect. Obviously, he did not mean that you cannot interpret anything at all but you cannot interpret the great mysteries of life. It is impossible as verses 16-17 demonstrate:
This is a humble thing for a man like Solomon to say because he spent his entire life studying the “work which had been done under the sun.” It was his soul’s ambition to understand everything there was to know but he could not do it because God is the only One who knows everything. He is the only Person who contains all the answers which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
This Sunday, we are going to continue our studies in the Book of Ecclesiastes with a sermon entitled “The Mystery of Life.” This is something that we can all relate to because everyone has wrestled with their own ignorance before. We all been confused over the deeper things of life because our brains are so small. Yet that should not cause us to despair because First John 3:20 says, “For God knows all things” and that is where our hope is found. Even when we do not understand everything, we know that God does and the thought of it should bring us comfort.
Please join us as we study that important subject this week. The service will begin at 9:30 on Sunday morning and it will be livestreamed for any who are not able to attend. May the Lord bless you and keep you encouraged until then and show you that He is still on the throne no matter how crazy this life gets. – Jeremy Cagle
However, it might encourage you to know that Solomon felt the same way in the Book of Ecclesiastes. He faced the same dilemma because, after talking about the vanity of life in the first half of the book, he begins to give us a solution to it in chapter 8 and the solution is that you cannot know everything. Some things are too deep for us to understand. In his own words, he says in verse 1:
Who is like the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a matter?
When I gave my heart to know wisdom and to see the task which has been done on the earth . . . and I saw every work of God, I concluded that man cannot discover the work which has been done under the sun. Even though man should seek laboriously, he will not discover.
This Sunday, we are going to continue our studies in the Book of Ecclesiastes with a sermon entitled “The Mystery of Life.” This is something that we can all relate to because everyone has wrestled with their own ignorance before. We all been confused over the deeper things of life because our brains are so small. Yet that should not cause us to despair because First John 3:20 says, “For God knows all things” and that is where our hope is found. Even when we do not understand everything, we know that God does and the thought of it should bring us comfort.
Please join us as we study that important subject this week. The service will begin at 9:30 on Sunday morning and it will be livestreamed for any who are not able to attend. May the Lord bless you and keep you encouraged until then and show you that He is still on the throne no matter how crazy this life gets. – Jeremy Cagle
Posted in Grace For Your Day