Grace for Your Day November 29

A young man came to an aged professor of a distinguished university and informed him that he wanted to study law so the professor asked him what he wanted to do then. The young man said that he wanted to get his doctorate. The professor asked “What then?” To which he replied that he wanted to become famous. The professor said, “What then?’ To which he replied that he wanted to become rich. The professor said, “What then?” To which he replied that he wanted to start a family. The professor said, “What then?” To which he replied that he would probably grow old and die.
While it may sound cruel, the professor was actually helping the young man see that he was not going to live forever. No matter what he did, he would eventually die so he needed to be thinking about it now. He should not go through life willy-nilly but seriously consider each step that he would take. This is also a lesson that Solomon teaches us in Ecclesiastes 12:1-3 where it says:
This verse begins the final chapter in the Book of Ecclesiastes and it is important because it shows us Solomon’s conclusion of it. He says that you need to remember your Creator. You do not need to forget about God as you go through life because eventually you will grow old. A day is coming when you will die.
To highlight this, he gives us one of the best descriptions of old age that is found anywhere in the Bible. Notice how each of these images depict the aging process. Verses 3-8 tells us that:
Solomon’s point in all of this is that you cannot trick Mother Nature and you cannot fool Father Time for they come for us all. You cannot avoid the inevitable so you need to keep living for God while you have the chance because eventually “you will return to the dust of the earth and your spirit will return to the One who gave it” (verse 7). Your soul will go to God which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
This week, we are going to continue our studies in the Book of Ecclesiastes with a sermon entitled “Remember Your Creator in the Days of Your Youth” at our 9:30 service. It will be the last message that we will do in this series before our Christmas break and it will be an important topic to consider because we are all prone to forget “the evil days” that are to come. We all want to ignore the fact that we will grow old but we need to remember it because it gives us a realistic perspective on life. It keeps us from chasing after all the vain things that Solomon has warned about so vividly in this book.
So please join us as we talk about that this Sunday morning. The sermon will be livestreamed and made available on our You Tube Channel for all those who are not able to join us. I pray that you have a good week and I look forward to seeing you then. – Jeremy Cagle
While it may sound cruel, the professor was actually helping the young man see that he was not going to live forever. No matter what he did, he would eventually die so he needed to be thinking about it now. He should not go through life willy-nilly but seriously consider each step that he would take. This is also a lesson that Solomon teaches us in Ecclesiastes 12:1-3 where it says:
Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no delight in them . . .” in the day that the watchmen of the house tremble, and mighty men stoop . . .
To highlight this, he gives us one of the best descriptions of old age that is found anywhere in the Bible. Notice how each of these images depict the aging process. Verses 3-8 tells us that:
The watchmen of the house tremble – This represents your legs
The mighty men stoop – This represents your shoulders
The grinding ones stand idle because they are few – This represents your teeth falling out
Those who look through windows grow dim – This represents your eyes failing
The doors on the street are shut – This represents your ears
Men are afraid of the terrors in the road – This represents your nerves
The almond tree blossoms – This represents the whitening of your hair
The grasshopper drags himself along – This represents your strength waning
The caperberry is ineffective – This represents your appetite decreasing
This week, we are going to continue our studies in the Book of Ecclesiastes with a sermon entitled “Remember Your Creator in the Days of Your Youth” at our 9:30 service. It will be the last message that we will do in this series before our Christmas break and it will be an important topic to consider because we are all prone to forget “the evil days” that are to come. We all want to ignore the fact that we will grow old but we need to remember it because it gives us a realistic perspective on life. It keeps us from chasing after all the vain things that Solomon has warned about so vividly in this book.
So please join us as we talk about that this Sunday morning. The sermon will be livestreamed and made available on our You Tube Channel for all those who are not able to join us. I pray that you have a good week and I look forward to seeing you then. – Jeremy Cagle
Posted in Grace For Your Day