Grace for Your Day December 13

While the topic of prophecy is not talked about much today, it is mentioned a lot in Scripture because one fourth of all the books in the Bible are prophetic in nature. Also, one fifth of the content of Scripture was predictive at the time it was written so it must have been an important subject in the mind of God. He must have intended us to study it if He talked about it so much.
As the Bible Scholar J. Vernon McGee says:
J. Vernon McGee is right and one of the greatest things that is missed when we neglect the study of prophecy is all the information surrounding the Messiah. Over and over again the Old Testament Prophets told us that a leader would come who would save Israel from her sins because He would bring the people back to God. One of those is found in Isaiah 7:14:
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.
When Isaiah says that the Lord will you “a sign,” He means a sign of Israel’s deliverance because the Lord will give them unmistakable proof that a Savior has arrived in their midst through the miracle of a virgin birth. For the first time in history, a man will be born without the assistance of a biological father. The reason for this is shown in the name Immanuel which means “God with us” because He will not only have a human nature but a divine one as well. This child will bring God to earth in a special way because He will be none other than the Son of God Himself which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
This Sunday, we are going to continue a series called “Three Prophecies for the Birth of Christ” where we look at 3 Old Testament prophecies that talk about the Messiah. The passages that we will look at are Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, and Isaiah 9:6-7. Each of these texts will discuss a different aspect of our Savior’s birth and show us why it was so unique because there is only one person who could fulfill all of this and that is Jesus. He was no ordinary man nor did He have an ordinary entrance into this world. His birth was truly miraculous because it was declared several centuries before it even occurred.
The sermon will be livestreamed and made available on our You Tube Channel for all those who are not able to join us in person. I pray that it will bless you and help to make this Christmas Season a special one. – Jeremy Cagle
As the Bible Scholar J. Vernon McGee says:
I do not believe that one can have a full-orbed view of the Bible or be a well-rounded student of Scripture without a knowledge of eschatology or prophecy. The neglect of the study of prophecy has produced certain harmful results which I think are quite evident today. For example, many of the cults have gone off the track in prophetic areas causing immense harm to the church . . .
[Many Bible colleges and seminaries also refuse to touch it] . . . As a result, we find men in a great many of our denominations today who are ill-equipped to speak on it because they dismiss it with a wave of the hand as being unimportant. And those who do go into the study of prophecy often come up with that which is sensational and fictional making things even worse. The church would be blessed today if it had a renewed and healthy interest in the topic.
[Many Bible colleges and seminaries also refuse to touch it] . . . As a result, we find men in a great many of our denominations today who are ill-equipped to speak on it because they dismiss it with a wave of the hand as being unimportant. And those who do go into the study of prophecy often come up with that which is sensational and fictional making things even worse. The church would be blessed today if it had a renewed and healthy interest in the topic.
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.
When Isaiah says that the Lord will you “a sign,” He means a sign of Israel’s deliverance because the Lord will give them unmistakable proof that a Savior has arrived in their midst through the miracle of a virgin birth. For the first time in history, a man will be born without the assistance of a biological father. The reason for this is shown in the name Immanuel which means “God with us” because He will not only have a human nature but a divine one as well. This child will bring God to earth in a special way because He will be none other than the Son of God Himself which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
This Sunday, we are going to continue a series called “Three Prophecies for the Birth of Christ” where we look at 3 Old Testament prophecies that talk about the Messiah. The passages that we will look at are Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, and Isaiah 9:6-7. Each of these texts will discuss a different aspect of our Savior’s birth and show us why it was so unique because there is only one person who could fulfill all of this and that is Jesus. He was no ordinary man nor did He have an ordinary entrance into this world. His birth was truly miraculous because it was declared several centuries before it even occurred.
The sermon will be livestreamed and made available on our You Tube Channel for all those who are not able to join us in person. I pray that it will bless you and help to make this Christmas Season a special one. – Jeremy Cagle
Posted in Grace For Your Day