Grace for Your Day December 20

I deliver babies as part of my job. The first one was 36 years ago. Each one has been special since then, and it never gets old. One of the most incredible miracles that God performs consistently, day and (unfortunately) night!
But a long time ago there was One that was different.
One that was announced not by a 7-week ultrasound but by a 700 year old prophecy.
One who would not have a biological father, but be born to a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit.
One that would be God in the flesh… Immanuel… God with us.
One that would be born in Bethlehem, flee to Egypt, return to Nazareth, move to Capernaum… just like the prophets said.
One who would show people what God is like and say “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”
One who would grow up in humble circumstances, to compassionately heal all our diseases.
One who would be loved, cheered, followed, then misunderstood, hated, and killed.
One who grew up to walk the path to Golgotha so that you and I wouldn’t need to.
One who was born to die. For you. And for me.
Do you know this one? His name is Jesus, and although he was born in a stable, His arrival was announced by a multitude of angels giving glory to God, for all that His birth would mean.
One that would turn darkness into light, mourning into gladness, war into peace, and rule with absolute authority.
God so loved you that He sent His son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Do you believe?
Please join us as we look at Isaiah 9:1-7 this coming Sunday. – Quentin Smith
But a long time ago there was One that was different.
One that was announced not by a 7-week ultrasound but by a 700 year old prophecy.
One who would not have a biological father, but be born to a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit.
One that would be God in the flesh… Immanuel… God with us.
One that would be born in Bethlehem, flee to Egypt, return to Nazareth, move to Capernaum… just like the prophets said.
One who would show people what God is like and say “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”
One who would grow up in humble circumstances, to compassionately heal all our diseases.
One who would be loved, cheered, followed, then misunderstood, hated, and killed.
One who grew up to walk the path to Golgotha so that you and I wouldn’t need to.
One who was born to die. For you. And for me.
Do you know this one? His name is Jesus, and although he was born in a stable, His arrival was announced by a multitude of angels giving glory to God, for all that His birth would mean.
One that would turn darkness into light, mourning into gladness, war into peace, and rule with absolute authority.
God so loved you that He sent His son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Do you believe?
Please join us as we look at Isaiah 9:1-7 this coming Sunday. – Quentin Smith
Posted in Grace For Your Day