Grace For Your Day October 24

We have been studying the Book of Hebrews since February now as a church and there are several themes that have been repeated continually throughout the book. One of them is the topic of “blood.” In chapter 9, it is repeated nine times (verses 7, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25) in order to remind us how much God hates sin. He hates it so much that, in order to forgive it, blood has to be spilled and something has to die. In the Old Covenant, the Lord offered the blood of animals in order to take care of that. In the New Covenant, He offers the blood of His Son.
The significance to this is explained in verses 24-25 when it says:
In other words, the author is making a comparison here between Jesus and the high priest of Israel in order to say that, under the Old Covenant, the high priest of Israel offered the blood of bulls and goats. He would kill a series of animals on the Day of Atonement in order to enter the presence of God for His people. However, under the New Covenant, Jesus does more than that because He did not offer the sacrifice of someone else for us. He gave up His own life and entered into heaven itself which is where our hope is found. This is how we know that God will save us because, if God “did not spare His one and only Son for us, how will He not also freely give us all things” (Romans 8:32)?
Needless to say, the implications for this are enormous because this means that, if God would not withhold Jesus from us, then He will not withhold anything. He will provide all that is needed for our salvation. In fact, here are just a few ways that we can apply this truth to our lives:
Are you giving into sin today because you feel like you cannot resist it? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you giving into despair because you feel like you cannot go on? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you concerned that God does not love you? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you worried that you will not make it to Heaven? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you looking for hope? Look no further! Hope is already here because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
This Sunday, we are going to talk about the blood of Jesus Christ because this is a subject that many of us have heard about before but we have not taken the time to study it. However, we should because God did not send just anyone to save us. He did not simply give us a bull or a goat. He sent Jesus which means that He gave us the best that He had. Jesus truly is the greatest of all Saviors and please join us as we talk about that together. The service begins at 9:30 and, as you come, my prayer is that the Lord will use this sermon to help you see all the wonderful things that you have in Christ.
– Jeremy Cagle
The significance to this is explained in verses 24-25 when it says:
For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; nor was it that He would offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the holy place year by year with blood that is not his own.
In other words, the author is making a comparison here between Jesus and the high priest of Israel in order to say that, under the Old Covenant, the high priest of Israel offered the blood of bulls and goats. He would kill a series of animals on the Day of Atonement in order to enter the presence of God for His people. However, under the New Covenant, Jesus does more than that because He did not offer the sacrifice of someone else for us. He gave up His own life and entered into heaven itself which is where our hope is found. This is how we know that God will save us because, if God “did not spare His one and only Son for us, how will He not also freely give us all things” (Romans 8:32)?
Needless to say, the implications for this are enormous because this means that, if God would not withhold Jesus from us, then He will not withhold anything. He will provide all that is needed for our salvation. In fact, here are just a few ways that we can apply this truth to our lives:
Are you giving into sin today because you feel like you cannot resist it? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you giving into despair because you feel like you cannot go on? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you concerned that God does not love you? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you worried that you will not make it to Heaven? You do not have to because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you.
Are you looking for hope? Look no further! Hope is already here because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for you which is what we are going to talk about this week at Grace Fellowship Church.
This Sunday, we are going to talk about the blood of Jesus Christ because this is a subject that many of us have heard about before but we have not taken the time to study it. However, we should because God did not send just anyone to save us. He did not simply give us a bull or a goat. He sent Jesus which means that He gave us the best that He had. Jesus truly is the greatest of all Saviors and please join us as we talk about that together. The service begins at 9:30 and, as you come, my prayer is that the Lord will use this sermon to help you see all the wonderful things that you have in Christ.
– Jeremy Cagle